The secrets to keeping secrets
Watch the webinar below to find out how to utilise non-disclosure agreements and confidentiality clauses to best protect your business’s confidential information.
Webinar \ 7 Jun 2022
For many businesses, confidential information is a primary asset, so protecting it is fundamental to success. Businesses need processes for identifying valuable confidential information, and robust confidentiality agreements for protecting any disclosures.
Hear from AJ Park Principal, Grace Thomas-Edmond as she explains what protection such agreements provide for confidential information when you might need one, and some tricky issues such as governing law and disputes in China.
What's covered?
- What is confidential information and how do I protect it?
- Three categories of information:
- Information you will disclose without an NDA
- Information you will disclose under an NDA
- Information you will not disclose to anyone, even under an NDA.
- What confidential information does my NDA cover?
- What is prohibited under the NDA?
- How long do the NDA obligations last?
- Is my NDA binding?
- Governing law and dispute resolution
Learning outcomes
- Gain an understanding of the types of information that may need to be protected
- Identify when you might need a confidentiality agreement to protect your information
- Identify situations where a standard NDA may not be fit for the purpose
- Understand how long your NDA obligations last across key jurisdictions such as the US
- Understand if your NDA is binding and the governing law across jurisdictions such as China.